
Integrated Smart Energy Segment

Haitang Bay

Project Overview

Located in Sanya, Hainan, the Haitang Bay low-carbon smart energy project is a collaborative venture between CF Energy and Électricité de France (EDF), one of the Fortune Global 500 companies. The joint venture, EDF Changfeng (Sanya) Energy Co., Ltd., was established by the shareholders on November 9, 2017, to invest in and construct the project. Under the joint witness of Chinese President Xi Jinping and French President Emmanuel Macron, an agreement was signed with the Sanya municipal government in 2018. The project, with a planned total investment of 1.26 billion yuan, commenced in May 2020. It aims to establish three energy stations and a regional cooling network to supply chilled water for central air conditioning across 4.7 million square meters of public buildings in Haitang Bay.

As of September 8, 2021, the Phase One B energy station began trial operations, already providing cooling services to several hotels in Haitang Bay. The project integrates various technologies, including natural gas trigeneration, ice storage cooling, and ultra-efficient chillers, managed by a large-scale, intensive system and an efficient backup capacity scheme. It also incorporates an energy internet platform utilizing big data and artificial intelligence to optimize demand-side production and supply management, significantly enhancing the energy efficiency of air conditioning systems in the region, reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions, and helping to stabilize the power grid.

Social and Environmental Benefits

The centralized cooling system improves the municipal infrastructure in Haitang Bay, enhancing urban quality and environmental conditions by eliminating issues like noise and drift from cooling towers. Once fully operational, the project will save approximately 109.41 million kWh of municipal electricity annually, equivalent to reducing coal consumption by about 28,000 tons per year and cutting carbon dioxide emissions by approximately 76,000 tons per year, further reducing peak electrical loads by about 10,000 kW. These enhancements will improve air conditioning energy efficiency in cooled buildings, lower their energy consumption, and reduce Sanya’s overall energy and pollutant emissions. This project plays a crucial role in helping Sanya and Hainan Province meet national energy conservation and emission reduction targets, contributing positively to the construction of a civilized ecological island and achieving China’s "dual carbon" goals.

Market Potential

The Haitang Bay National Coastal Leisure Park, a key part of Sanya, boasts a coastline of 21.8 kilometers and offers vast market potential with its unique geographical location, rich natural resources, and favorable development environment. Aimed at becoming a premier international leisure and vacation destination, the park hosts several high-end hotels, shopping centers, and entertainment venues, providing a rich leisure experience for tourists. Benefiting from substantial policy support as a vital component of the Hainan Free Trade Port, Haitang Bay offers attractive incentives for investors. The target customers for this project include hotels, shopping malls, schools, hospitals, and convention centers. According to the latest plans for the Haitang Bay National Coastal Leisure Park, the total planned area has expanded to 112 square kilometers, with the building area eligible for centralized cooling increasing to 14 million square meters, highlighting the vast development potential for this project.


Project Overview

In May 2018, CF Energy established Meishan Hengtai Tianyuan Energy Co., Ltd., in Meishan, Sichuan, to construct and operate the Meishan Economic Development Zone New District Comprehensive Energy Utilization Project. With a planned investment of 180 million yuan, the project aims to build an energy station and supporting pipeline network to provide cooling, heating, and electricity services to businesses within a 36-square-kilometer area of the park. The first phase of the project commenced operations in March 2021, featuring a steam supply capacity of 61 tons per hour.

The Meishan Economic Development New District Comprehensive Energy Utilization Project is committed to promoting energy conservation, emission reduction, and sustainable development. By utilizing clean energy production efficiently, the operational Phase I project, compared to traditional heating methods, is expected to save approximately 26,200 tons of standard coal per year, reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 68,600 tons per year, sulfur dioxide by about 222.7 tons per year, nitrogen oxides by about 187.1 tons per year, and particulate matter by about 393 tons per year.

Market Potential

Located in the Sichuan Meishan Economic Development Zone's Provincial Demonstration Specialty Pharmaceutical Industrial Park (Western Medicine Valley), the project is situated where over 70 enterprises are already established or being attracted, demonstrating a substantial demand for thermal, cooling, and electrical energy. The park continues to attract investments, ensuring ongoing expansion of the project's supply scale. The project involves constructing a comprehensive energy production station and transmission and distribution pipeline network to enhance energy utilization efficiency, offering significant energy-saving benefits and economic value.

Once fully operational, the Meishan Economic Development New District Comprehensive Energy Utilization Project will become an essential infrastructure component of the park, bolstering the industrial park's comprehensive support capabilities, enhancing its attractiveness to investors, and boosting the region's economic benefits and job creation. Additionally, the project will further improve energy utilization efficiency, achieve strategic goals of energy conservation and emission reduction, safeguard innovative development of the industrial park, and contribute green strength to the local low-carbon, efficient economy.